If you see this, something is broken.
Possibility #1: frequent file-writing into your folder was unstable. Make sure your folder isn't located inside:
If this folder is indeed in these places, consider give up the folder, create a new empty folder NOT in these places, reload tiktok.com and start over with the new folder.
Possibility #2: a browser setting is blocking something in this page. You can simply try another browser. Just drag "Archive.html" into other browsers to test, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, or anything else, all can work.
Possibility #3: a key file "app.js" is somehow missing.
In any case, as long as you've been using myfaveTT for more than 1 day, you can always restore the Archive to a previous day when it wasn't broken, by going to your folder > data > .appData > backups, and follow instructions there. (note: on Mac, .appData could be hidden, press Command+Shift+Dot to reveal)